Friday, March 16, 2012

Stuffed Animals

When I was younger,
There was a small, insistent part of me
That believed my stuffed animals,
At night,
Came to life.

With the vividness and intensity of youth
I would envision
All the named teddy bears, bunnies, and
Other assorted creatures
Awakening, arising
As soon as I fell asleep.

In my dreams,
I saw their lives before they had come to me,
Cavorting in magical castles and forests...
Dueling dragons and shoving off to sea...
Conducting tea parties and grand balls.

I would awaken,
And they'd be just where I'd left them,
But I knew better.

My father performed many sewing feats,
Or tricks with glue,
As he mimicked eye, nose, ear, and limb surgery.
He'd return the patient to me,
And then I was off and running,
Granting very little recovery time
To my fuzzy friend.

Two nights ago,
I sat in the laundromat listening to
Plastic eyes pling against the dryer's glass.
I was donating eight 13-gallon garbage bags
To the church
For their semi-annual thrift sale.

The beginning of a new adventure
For you guys! I thought.

A year ago,
I would've taken them all to Arizona.

Now, instead of jealously clinging
To the memories these toys elicit,
I think instead about that child
Who will adopt these toys,
And play with them until they're threadbare.

Accept this small gift
From my hands,
A letting go of my childhood
So that others can have some.
Grant happy homes to these toys,
And let them bring many smiles
And hours of play
To many faces.

As for you,
Teddy bears, bunnies, and other assorted creatures,
I wish you all good, safe homes,
And children who will love you,
And parents who will fix you when you need fixing.
Make the kids happy.
That is your mission.
Perform it well.
God speed you on the next phase of your journey!

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