"You know what your problem is?"
She asked me
In that knowing way
That reveals me.
"You can't let anything go."
It is one of the traits
I loathe about myself,
Played out
In the microcosm of the office,
And the macrocosm of life.
The dwelling and brooding
Are so loud,
So consuming sometimes,
That I nearly drown
In their wake.
I disintegrated slightly
In my boss' office
As she tried to make sense of
What was unraveling me.
I left, feeling foolish and tongue-tied,
Having allowed ridiculous emotions
Over inconsequential nonsense
To master me again.
I am Switchfoot's "Mess of Me" embodied -
Stressed out,
And sleep-deprived.
I could only shake my head
And walk away,
Leaving her to wonder
What was eating at me.
As I said goodnight,
I am not sure if it was disgust I saw
Written on her face.
Disgust in my weakness?
My cracking?
My inability to pull myself
Out of the hole I place myself into?
She tells me
That it has been one time too many
That I have left her office
Making her look like
The bad guy
Over nothing.
She tells me
She is going to pull back,
Away from me,
And I feel her noninvolvement with me
Like a blight all day.
O Lord,
The absence of her
Burns worse than the scrutiny
I am so fearful of encountering.
I did not mean to offend,
But I have done it regardless.
Help her understand
That I am my own rock of offense,
My own stumbling stone.
You and I know
That You use the Aussie
To speak words to me
For my spiritual edification.
If this is an analogy
Of life with You
Versus life without You...
I submit to Your scrutiny,
Your teaching.
Give me correction and Presence
Because Your Absence
Isn't something I can bear!
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