It is a small sentence or two
Written about the Number Four
In Bullinger's Number in Scripture:
"...But it is as composed of three PLUS one that we see the most marked illustrations of the ideal significance of the number four, the 'one' marking an election out of the earth."
I pause,
Remembering the night
The four of us sat at
The dining room table,
While Dennis
[Number Five - Five Signifies Grace]
Boldly proclaimed Salvation to us.
He declared that someone's life
Was about to be changed -
Was about to be saved -
That the Holy Spirit was seeking someone -
And I knew with absolute certainty
That he was talking about me.
I knew that You were calling me,
Branding me,
Consecrating me
To Your Service.
I was only sixteen years old.
You have pursued me
For close to two decades.
I was thrilled when I first heard
Your siren song,
But I became scared and confused,
At odds with family and friends.
Then I whored after false gods
(Let's call it what it was),
But at the appointed time,
I came stumbling back to You.
I strayed far from You,
Only to return to You,
Weathered, wiser, and repentant,
Knowing that You protected me
From myself,
And the consequences
Of my sins.
Thank You for Your mercies.
Guide me. Protect me.
I am but little more than dust,
Relying on Your Grace,
And the sacrifice of Your Son
To get me through
Each and every day.
Why You have called me out,
I do not know.
But I trust You.
Separate me.
Mark me Yours.
Let me do Your Work
Until the final call
Out of the earth.
And when the End becomes the Beginning,
Let our foursome be reunited,
To sit at the Ultimate Banquet Table
At the greatest Feast of all time!
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