I use the same phrase alot
When I pray:
"Father, be near me today."
Countless Scriptures testify
That You are ever with me,*
So why am I praying for
That which You've already provided?
The Lord is not a liar.
His promises are irrevocable.**
So what, exactly, do I mean?
It's more like this:
I know that You are with me.
I know that I cannot be separated
From the love of Christ.***
When I ask You to be near me,
What I mean is,
Can't you be near me
The way You were with Israel
When you led them out of Egypt?
Can't you lead me as a cloud by day,
And a pillar of fire by night?
Can't you shine one, lonely
Ray of Shechinah Glory on me
So that I could be
Fully consumed by Your Spirit?
Can't you make Your Presence so tangible,
So real,
That I could reach out
And touch You?...
So real,
That I could reach out
And touch You?...
That I could feel You
Holding me?...
I know that You can...
I wish that You would!"
I feel a gentle, Cosmic laugh.
How like a child I sound!
The answer creeps upon me
As I write:
"Even now,
I am preparing you
To be a vessel
Consecrated to Me.
I, the Potter,
Dip you in water,
Mold you with My Hands,
Remake and reshape you
As I deem fitting.
For now,
Be content to see Me
In the beauty of this world,
Nature and creatures,
And humankind.
Speak with Me.
Confide in Me.
Pray to Me.
Trust Me.
Day by day,
Learn from Me,
And I will slowly reveal
Myself to you.
It cannot happen at once.
You must become prepared for it.
I AM is My Holy Name!****
That's the present tense.
That's NOW.
I sustain you,
Give you breath and life
This very moment.
I have called you.
Have faith,
And receive the blessings
That flow thereof."
I know it's true.
Although I often ache
For a palpable encounter with You,
Such an encounter would
Kill me.
Ah Lord,
I am like the father who cried aloud,
"I believe; help my unbelief!"*****
"Father? Abba? You near?"
Again, the Cosmic laugh.
"I AM."
Just checking...
*Joshua 1:5b
**Genesis 28:15, Titus 1:1-3
*** Romans 8:34-36
****God declares Himself to be I AM in Exodus 3:14.
*****Mark 9:14-29 for the story in context
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