Sin is the barrier
To effective communication with You.
But You have promised
That if we confess our sins,
You will forgive us,*
And restore our line of communication with You.
I confess all my sins,
Sins of omission and sins of commission,
To You.
Incline Your ear to hear me.
I have never quite prayed like this before,
And I feel compelled to call upon
Your righteousness,
Your truthfulness,
Your holiness,
Not for me,
But for others.
Lord of Hosts,
I pray that I am not speaking
From a place of unjustified anger or spite against anyone.
You judge hearts.
You know all things.
Find my prayer acceptable
And in line with Your Will.
As Your Daughter,
I come to You with something
Only You can help me with.
Someone is harassing and badgering
The Aussie.
It is unprovoked.
It is wrong.
It is out of line,
And it needs to stop.
If there is something I ought to do,
Reveal that to me.
If there is nothing I ought to do,
Reveal that to me too.
You alone know the depths of my heart,
And the prayers of the Holy Spirit
That rise up continually before You
On her behalf.
Guard her, Lord.
Protect her ways.
Only You truly can.
This same someone is sewing
Seeds of discontent and restlessness
In the team.
In the background,
She is manipulating
Other people's
Hearts and minds.
I ask that you bind this person's power
To inflict further harm on us.
I ask that you make her stop
Planting destruction in her wake.
Whatever vendetta she carries,
Whatever grievance ails her so,
Ease it from her.
Let her see that
Manipulation is no way to carry oneself...
Lashing out at others isn't ok...
And you don't know what impact your words will have on another,
So you must carefully consider them.
Let the plan of action
Over the next few days
Put a stop to the attacks on the Aussie.
Lessen the damage of this woman's words
On those she seeks to affect.
Let the team discern that her words
Do not come from a place of truth.
We struggle from within,
And we struggle from without.
Relieve this added burden from us.
I pray that you would be merciful
In your dealings with us,
And protect us.
In the name of Your Son
Jesus Christ, I pray.
* 1 John 1:9
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