Friday, May 20, 2011

Three Lines of Text

My job
Often frustrates me.
I work for the classified department
Of a community newspaper chain.
I am trainer, IT, administrative support, accounts receivable, legals backup, paginator, customer service,
Fixer of broken things and
Builder of things that don't yet exist.
I am whoever and whatever
My team needs
In an endlessly shifting, urgency-driven environment.
In my moments of angst, I feel that
My team is too needy and selfish,
My boss is too overwhelmed to notice I'm drowning,
My knowledge to complete projects and tasks is inadequate,
My foresight and understanding are not where they should be,
And the amount of work is more
Than a human being can complete in a day.
My moments of angst
Are coming more and more frequently.

Lord, are you testing me?

The knowledge that I am not doing
What I'm meant to be doing
Pricks at me,
The passageway to a new calling
Eludes me.
Are you training me for the next phase?
Are you trying me
Like gold in a furnace?...
Purifying me through heat,
Burning away my impurities,
Testing me through fire?
Lord, let it be so.
Let me learn greater patience,
Bear larger burdens,
Overcome greater obstacles
Through the trials before me.

Three lines of text are the smallest ads I have ever seen.
When I despair,
Remind me
That Your Will can be worked
Through three lines of text
In a community newspaper,
Or on the newspaper websites.
Remind me that three lines of text
Can mean the difference between
A job
An apartment
A house
An urgently needed service.
Remind me of
The house Upstate my parent bought 26 years ago
After seeing an ad in the Bay News.
Remind me of the many jobs
I have found from the classifieds.
Remind me of
...The out-of-work man using the papers to find a job...
...The family that's grown too big for their one bedroom apartment
Using the site to find a new home...
...The elderly woman calling the 24-hour plumber
When the heat in her house dies...
Lord, My God!
Redeem us as people individually,
And as a team collectively.
Redeem the work of our hands, that it may be fruitful
For our clients and ourselves.
Redeem the leaders, that they may exercise
Wisdom and good judgment.
Redeem our hearts, that our intentions and purposes
Are for the good of those we serve.
Use us for good, for good, O God!
Redeem my work, Father,
And the processes of my mind,
And the strength of Your Spirit dwelling within me,
That I may stumble less,
Learn more,
Support better,
And endure more.

Three lines of text
Seem so small, Lord,
But was it not with words
That You created the world?
Using the power of words,
Help us change the world
For Good,
O My God.

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